Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Book Review: Conquering Fate by Jennifer Anne Davis

Conquering Fate by Jennifer Anne Davis
Reign Publishing (c) 2018
ARC e-book
Reviewed by Leah

This is it. This is the end of the Order of the Krigers Series. It's been a long time coming.

I can't even write a decent summary without it feeling as if I'm spoiling the book. Which means my chances of having a full, coherent review come out of this is also slim.

So we're going to put some bulletin points on this:

* Kaia is sacrificing everything to save Nelebek

* Morlet and Kaia have new shared experiences that draw them together

* Morlet puts Kaia in several more inexcusable positions

* The history of the Heks is very much a part of the present

* Everyone is keeping secrets from everyone else

I can't say more without giving away major plot points, and I don't want to spoil this for anyone. This book is exactly what it needs to be in order to wrap up the Order of the Krigers. It is a solid conclusion. Character arcs come to a close. The plot wrings out the last of its tears. And you're left with a slightly lighter heart once you reach that final page.

With engaging writing and a well-known cast, we've finally finished a journey.