Friday, June 6, 2014

Book Review: Red by Jennifer Anne Davis

Red by Jennifer Anne Davis
Clean Teen Publishing © 2014
Book Two in the True Reign Series
Reviewed by Leah

*Note: this review copy/pasted from GoodReads.*

As per usual, I found something I didn't like about the book.  Unlike usual, it was so inconsequential that it barely deserves a mention.

Red was a far different animal from its predecessor.  In a very good way.  There was so much depth to the characters and the writing was still as engaging and page-turning as before.  It brought everything into a much more dramatic light.

The one thing I really feel the need to say though, is that I connected more with the supporting cast.  Though Rema and Darmik both overcome much and grow into the people they need to be--for the most part--I still feel like the best development occurred in the lower levels.

Especially when it came to Savenek.  Maybe I'm just reading more into him than anyone else because he seriously suffers from a case of literary bi-polar disorder, but he seemed to be the most complicated person in the entire book.  And I loved him for it.  He's focused yet confused, brilliant yet a total idiot, hotheaded and overdramatic…  His addition to the story was invaluable.  Well … mostly.


I really could have done without him being in love with Rema.  That added basically nothing to the plot and just turned his dangerous wolf image into a kicked chihuahua sideshow (including all the feral ankle-biting).  His attitude would have been just as easily portrayed, I think, just from knowing who Darmik was.  And there was NO clear reason why he went from cold-shouldered to Mr. Nice Guy in .3 seconds towards Rema.  I really would have preferred that to be left out.  But I digress…

Of course, of all the characters, I think my favorite will always be Neco.  There's something about his personality, even though he doesn't say much, that just exudes this cool, smooth exterior.  It's the kind of aura where you just know he's tactically brilliant, skilled, and deadly dangerous.  All with this sexy little smirk on his face because his wit is even more entrancing.  And because Ellie is in his life, I DEMAND they get a happy ending because they both really deserve it!

There were, of course, other characters who stole my heart a couple of times, but I digress.  Rest assured, the ability to get to know them all was well worth sacrificing sleep over.

Now onto the plot:

It is exactly what you would expect from the blurb.  The ante is up and things have gotten a lot more dangerous.  Though, at times, the pacing of the book doesn't seem to convey this, the writing makes it awfully clear that there is very much to lose by the end of this.  I wish I'd felt more of this, but at the same time, I'm glad that I didn't.  Because for me to feel more, it would have required Darmik to feel more.  But some things are more precious than others, and I certainly felt THAT when it came time for him to make his decisions.

To be honest, there are not a lot of curve balls here--if any.  From the blurb, it was obvious how things would play out.  This book just describes how the characters reacted to those foreseen circumstances.  That's not a bad thing.  It did it's job with skill and imagery.  Just as you would expect.

There really was only one thing about the entire book that irritated me to absolutely no end.  If you really want to see my reaction, click the spoiler tab.  You are forewarned: it IS a spoiler.


Darmik.  Rema.  I get it.  You're in love.  You haven't totally been able to trust each other…  You've had your differences.  I love that you made up and are moving on.  But please … for crying out loud… HAVE SOME DISCRETION!!  Making out in somewhat privacy: okay, I get it.  You didn't think you'd be interrupted.  However...  NEARLY HAVING SEX IN AN ALMOST-PUBLIC LOCATION IS NOT OKAY!  Especially when her bedroom is only a few feet away!  My goodness, you would think she was in heat the way you two are preparing to jump each other every five minutes you have alone together.  Can I get some focus here?  You know, overthrowing kingdom plot in the works and all…  No?  Then can you PLEASE not do that in the sitting room where people can--AND DO--walk in at any time?!  I feel like wringing both your necks right now.  End rant.

There's not much else to say.  The writing was engaging and entrancing, just as I've come to expect, and kept me flipping pages all night long.  (Where I then may or may not have yelled at the author for leaving me, once again, with a torturous cliffhanger…)

This book is definitely a much greater follow-up to "The Key", in my opinion.  Now I just have to wait for the third installment…  Oi

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