Sunday, March 8, 2015

Beta Characters: Where Would Our Alphas Be Without Them?

The title says it all.  Where would our Alphas be without their Betas?  These are the wonderful characters that support or chastise those spirited creatures which need it.  It is these beloved individuals that provide comic relief or direly needed reality checks when the situations call for it.  Most of all, they are there when you need them to be, for whatever reason.

As with our Alphas, Betas can also be done well … or not.  So there's a few things I require each Beta to be infused with before I crown them a worthy sidekick (or love interest, if the story leans that way).

*  The number one thing all Betas need to be sure of hitting that ultimate status is loyalty.  The kind of steadfast link to another individual that nothing in the world can come between.  It's the ultimate embodiment of open trust and honesty in another human being.  And it is the highest compliment one human can pay to another; to be so loyal that words or deeds would have to be of the fatal variety to break that bond.

*  This does not mean, however, that our Betas are blind to the faults of Alphas.  In fact, they are often the only ones honest enough to keep them in check.  While we love our Alphas for shamelessly spouting the truth to open someone else's eyes, sometimes they've got their own rose-colored glasses.  It is a Beta's duty to smash the glasses and peel back their eyelids.  Gently or not, as the situation requires.  A good Beta knows the needs of their Alpha and acts accordingly.

*  Which, of course, does mean that they sometimes lie when that is what is needed.  Sometimes an Alpha simply cannot accept the truth at a certain time.  It could break them, if it means that much.  Or, worse, it could confuse them enough to make a wrong decision.  Either way, a Beta is sometimes required to withhold pertinent information.  (My references in this post will be less obvious, so you are forgiven for not latching onto my sporadic train of thought.)

*  Most of all, a Beta needs to prove that s/he is trustworthy.  Alphas tend to keep their own counsel, this is true.  Yet, only a Beta can work their way into an Alpha's life with the surefire understanding that they will not screw anything up.  Each of our Alphas contain a dark cavern full of secrets (note the metaphor), and it is the job of Betas to keep said secrets when entrusted with them.

*  Of course, when chasing around a willful Alpha, it is also important for these characters to have their own determined set of boundaries.  There are some lines, after all, that should not be crossed.  And it is up to these beings to remind their Alphas of that when they become so passionate/obsessed that they overlook the most damning of things.

*  Which brings us to how honorable Betas are.  While I adore that Alphas will do whatever is necessary for their purpose, that is not the way of a good Beta.  These are the individuals that proceed with a keen eye on which images are portrayed to society.  They have their morals and ethics to guide them, even where such things fail an Alpha.  It is this type of behavior that sometimes saves them from succumbing to the same eccentricity of their friends and/or colleagues.

*  Now, there is one trait that I know is required of every Beta, though I don't like it much, and that is insecurity.  It's true.  As much as I would love to mentions some truly confident Betas, there is always at least one moment where they are insecure.  And it all boils down to one question for them: Am I worthy?  This, of course, can mean many things.  Are they worthy of their significant other?  The Alpha partner who has entrusted them with their darkest secrets?  Success?  Happiness?  Anything at all, really.  Betas have this humility that does not allow for them to rate themselves above others too highly--if at all.  And so they are often some of the most insecure individuals you will encounter.

*  Equally as prevalent in Betas is their tendency to be quiet individuals.  They do not need constant, superficial attention.  In fact, they'd rather do without.  The concentrated, sincere conversation of someone whose opinions and friendship they truly value are all they will ever need.  Other than that, attention is unnecessary.

*  None of this is as important as what a Beta is, however.  Combining each of these traits, it typically makes Betas awesome and invaluable partners.  That's what being a Beta is.  They are partners.  Supportive people who will do everything in their power to ensure success.  And that is why Alphas would be nothing without their Betas.

Well, I think that sums up most of what I think it takes to provide us with a good Beta.  Now we're going to wade into the thicker waters of something I'd like to dub the Beta Bitch.

*  The name says it all.  When done wrong, it is almost with the universal consistency of turning Betas into bitches.  You know exactly what I mean if you have ever accused a friend of being 'whipped' or seen another get shuffled into the Friend Zone.  These are the people that will literally do anything asked of them and allow themselves to be walked all over in an attempt to garner attention, gratitude, or appreciation of any kind.  These individuals are not real Betas, though they are desperately trying to be.

*  Also, Beta Bitches tend to be whine asses.  It's one thing to be friendzoned, it's quite another to go on bitching about it as if you have no reason for being there.  To a Beta Bitch, they don't seem to understand that concept.  These are the individuals that gripe on and on about 'nice guys finishing last'.  No, nice guys do not finish last.  They finish second.  (Hence the Beta part.)  If at any time, a person strikes up a melodrama about being too nice or too helpful and never being given a shot, chances are that it's not a real Beta.  It's just a Beta Bitch.

*  Beta Bitches are also wimps.  People have feelings.  People sometimes have contradictory feelings.  People express these feelings.  Unless you're a Beta Bitch.  In which case, you keep nodding, smiling, and holding it all in.  A good Beta knows to address an issue.  Beta Bitches go on to pretend there isn't one.

*  There is also the known fact that they are emotionally and physically weak in comparison to actual Betas.  These characters are emotionally stinted and are often portrayed as physically inept individuals (often by using a sports example/trope to exhibit their lack).  A sad but true fact for all the Beta Bitches out there: no one values weakness.  Which means, if you're too nice, whiny, or wimpy, you will have no one's respect.  (Yes, there is such a thing as being too nice.  Anyone who says different is lying to you.  Everyone is always suspicious about the 'too nice person' until they are satisfied that they have an ulterior motive, or become disgusted because they are clearly genuine and that bothers everyone who is not.  Sad but true fact here.)

So I don't really have more points here.  While good betas do exist, they are very hard to weed out when confronted with their awful doppelgängers.  Which is sad, because a decent lady or gentleman is exactly the arm-candy some Alphas need, or the partner a similar Beta is looking for.  Yet, for all those Beta Bitches whining about being in the Friend Zone, I have one more honest truth for you: Alphas don't often settle for Betas.  If you're being a whiny prick about a guy/girl not being into you despite all you do for them, chances are they're of the Alpha strain and you are not.  Which makes you unappealing.  Accept that fact and change your ways, so that you earn real Beta status and get yourself someone who appreciates that.

Now, to give you two brilliant examples of some true Betas.  The first of these is someone most people probably don't give due credit, but he was the first I thought of when it came to making this post.  And that is…

Alfred Pennyworth, the trusted butler and caretaker of the Wayne Estate in The Dark Knight Trilogy.  Again, my post has not been clear if you cannot draw direct parallels between every Beta thing that Alfred does for Bruce.  (Especially that lying where needed part, since that's what made me think of him in the first place.)  Despite the dangerous things Batman does in his spare time, he always comes home to a waiting and supportive Alfred--who isn't afraid to tell him when he's screwing up.  Which is what makes Alfred a superb and dignified Beta.

The other Beta I wish to list has been based off of Dr. Watson of the Sherlock Holmes novels.  Just as his Alpha best friend has been based off of the infamous detective himself.  This person is none other than Doctor James Wilson of the series House, M.D.  If you have never seen this particular series, then you will just have to take my word for it that Wilson is the most epic Beta in existence.  While he follows House's lead most of the time, he's quite adept at playing him at his own games.  (I can't say 'beating' since House will inevitably win in some unexpected but poignant way.)  Here is a Beta who isn't afraid to tell off his Alpha friend, because he knows it will help him eventually.  And that is the goal of most Betas: to leave those that come into their lives a better person when they leave.  For James Wilson, this is considered his supreme downfall by his best friend, but is that exact mentality that keeps them together for so long.  Because House proves to be the perfect pet project for any determined Beta.

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